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What Do I Need To Know Before Buying Labeling Machine

As we all know, the label contains a lot of information about the product, which may be one of the important aspects of showing your product to consumers. Clear and effective label information can help you communicate with consumers and establish a brand image. SUNHAN can recommend labeling machines with many different applications, including wrap around labeling, front &back side labeling, and flat labeling, to name a few. Many labeling machines provide accessories, such as hot stamping coders used to code dates, batch numbers on labels.

So how to choose a labeling machine? First of all, you need to know that different shapes of bottles, labels in different positions, and different label materials require different labeling machines. Below I will briefly introduce several common labeling machine components.

Round Bottle Labeling Machine

As we all know,it will be more difficult to label stickers on round bottles than flat bottles.And there are numerous labeling formats on round bottles,like a wrap round label,a front & back side label,a front side label. 

The front and back side labeling machine is suitable for above labeling formats.The labeling structure is composed of three cylinders.When the bottle passes through the labeling structure, the bottle will be pressed and stop moving forward. At the same time, the three cylinders will rotate, so the label sticker is successfully labeled to the bottle. Modify the parameters by the operation panel to realize the function of double sides labeling.


front and back labeling machine

Compared with the front and back side labeling machine,the belt type labeling machine is only suitable for single side labeling,and it is not suitable for a wrap around label.The labeling structure is composed of a belt and a press board. The distance between the belt and the press board needs to be adjusted according to the bottle diameter (ensure that the bottle can move between the two and the distance is not too wide or too narrow). The surface of the belt and the press board are soft. When labeling, the bottle will be slightly pressed and roll forward against the belt to complete the labeling.The bottle does not need to stop during the labeling process and can move forward while labeling. Therefore, the labeling speed of this type of labeling machine will be faster than the front and back side labeling machine.


round bottle labeling machine


Flat/Square/Hexagonal Bottle Labeling Machine

In addition to products packaged in round bottles, we can often see products packaged in square bottles, oval bottles or hexagonal bottles. Like round bottles, these bottles also have multiple labeling formats like a wrap around label,a front label and a front & back side label.

The labeling structure of double side labeling machine is composed of two label separating plate. The machine will output label stickers by separating plate once the electric eye detect bottles, the machine will separate label stickers on bottles, and the brush near the separating plate will press the label stickers and ensure there is no bubble under stickers. This machine is suitable for single side or double side labeling of square bottles, oval bottles, but is it not suitable for a wrap around label.

flat bottle labeling machine

For the wrap around label, we can often see it on round bottles, square bottles or hexagon bottle. When labeling, the labels of these bottles tend to wrinkle at the corners. For solving this problem, we will recommend SUNHANs SH-TB550 labeling machine. The labeling structure of this machine is composed of overhead mechanism and a roller. The overhead mechanism will fix bottles and the machine component at the bottle bottom will rotate the bottle. In this way, the stickers will be labeled. And the roller can ensure there is no bubble under stickers. This machine is suitable for sticking a wrap around label or a front side label on round/square/hexagon bottles.

wrap around labelling machine



Round & Flat Bottle Labeling Machine

If you need to label stickers on flat and round bottles, for saving customers' production cost, we develop this dual use labeling machine. This labeling machine combines two labeling structures, one for round bottles, another one for square bottles. It is suitable for single side or double side labeling of square bottles, oval bottles, round bottles. Each of labeling structure can work separately.


flat and round bottle labeling machine



Not only bottles, we can often see labels on boxes, bottle caps and bags. These products will need the following labeling machine. The labeling structure The labeling structure of this machine is just composed of a separating plate.The electric eye under the label separating plate will detect labeling objects, and the machine will output the stickers and label it on the object. The brush near the separating plate will press labels and ensure there is no bubble under label stickers. This machine is suitable for top labeling on flat surface.


Pouch Labeling Machine



Other Labeling Machine

In addition, we have also provided customized solutions for the following labeling methods, includes corner labeling, top & bottom side labeling, bottle cap & body labeling.


The above are several common labeling structures. Due to the diversity of product packaging, it is difficult for us to find a labeling machine suitable for all labeling methods. We need to provide a suitable solution based on the particularity of the product and the actual situation. If you want to know more about labeling machines, please feel free to contact us

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